How to Brew: French Press (Plunger)

French Press

Criminally underrated as a brewing method. There’s a lot of ways to approach this brewing method, but this seems to be the best all rounder, and it ensures a silt free coffee. 

french press icon.png

15g Coarse/medium coarse ground coffee

250ml water 95 degrees celsius

4 minutes then another 3 minutes

1. Boil kettle, and Pre heat your French press (removing excess water), then leave the kettle to sit for 1 min to allow the temp to drop slightly

2. Coarse/medium coarse grind 15g of coffee

3. Pour the coffee into the carafe, shake/knock it into a flat bed

4. Slowly, pour the full 250ml into the carafe at the same time start a timer for 4 minutes, leaving the cap/plunger off

5. At the 4 minute mark, gently stir, breaking the crust that has formed at the top of the carafe, this will allow the ground coffee to fall away sinking to the bottom of the carafe. 

6. After 2-3 minutes, the coffee will be ready to decant. Insert the plunger and leave it sitting just under the surface of the water, then pour through that into your cup. 


The reason you don’t plunge all the way to the coffee bed, is to avoid stirring up the silt that could otherwise make it through into your cup. 

Zac Suito1 Comment